New Mexico Public Education Department Assessments Help & Support
Welcome to the New Mexico Public Education Department Assessments Help & Support Page. This site provides information to assist you in administering the NM-MSSA ELA, Mathematics, SLA, NM-iMSSA, and formative assessments, grades 3-8, and Spanish Reading SBA High School summative assessment.
What is New for Spring 2025 NM-MSSA Paper Testing?
Starting with spring 2025 NM-MSSA, the NMPED has decided to have no paper test materials (that includes standard print, large print, braille and human reader kits for all subjects and grades 3-8) returned back to Cognia; instead, the LEA’s or District Test Coordinators (DTC) will take care of destroying secure testing materials locally. This, by extension, means that there is no UPS pickup of any paper test materials.
The changes include the following.
- Paper test materials and student responses will no longer be returned to Cognia
- No pre-ID labels or rosters will be provided for paper accommodated test forms
- Paper testing student responses will be scribed into the iTester portal by authorized LEA staff for scoring and reporting
- Paper test materials will be retained or destroyed by the LEA based on PED policy
- UPS Return Service Labels and Return Envelopes will not be provided as No UPS pickup will be necessary
- The 2024-25 BOY iMSSA testing administration started August 12, 2024, and will continue through October 11, 2024.
- The 2024-25 MOY iMSSA testing administration window will start November 25, 2024, through January 10, 2025.
- The 2024-25 EOY iMSSA testing administration window will start March 31, 2025, through May 23, 2025.
We have some upcoming Assessment Literacy Professional Learning sessions in November and December. Please see this flyer for all of the various sessions available.