Practice Tests – NM-MSSA

Computer-Based Testing

NM-MSSA Practice Test Options

Web Browser
  1. Launch Browser
  2. URL:
  3. Select a test from the drop-down menu and click "go" to enter a practice test
Student Testing Kiosk

Schools with the kiosk installed could use the kiosk if they wish, and anyone can download the kiosk apps from the Apple store or Chrome store.

  1. Launch Kiosk
  2. Click on the "Access the Practice Test" link
  3. Select a test from the drop-down menu and click "go" to enter a practice test

NM-MSSA Practice Test Name Selection

NM-MSSA English Language Arts (ELA) Special Forms

NM-MSSA Spanish Language Arts (SLA) Special Forms

NM-MSSA Mathematics Special Forms